Bringing Excellence to Education
in San Angelo!
Your donation goes toward supporting academic excellence in San Angelo Schools through scholarships and grants to teachers.
San Angelo Schools Foundation is excited to announce a new opportunity to give back even more to the students and teachers of SAISD. In addition to our Grants to Teachers program, we are launching another avenue of giving out funds called “Bright Ideas Initiative”. The initiative is available to SAISD Employees and Non-Profit Organizations.
Applications are currently closed. Check back in the spring for more information.
Fundraising for the San Angelo Schools Foundation takes place annually in March at a dinner/live auction and in May via the "San Angelo Gives" campaign.
Noreen B Carpenter, Executive Director of the San Angelo Schools Foundation writes to introduce herself and commitment.
Teachers may apply for Grants to Teachers by submitting proposals to be voted on by the Board.
Application Period:
August 11 - September 29, 2023
Pictured here is the former SASF C.O.O. Debbi Meads reading "Harry the Dirty Dog" at Santa Rita Elementary. Mrs. Naul, the librarian, has a program called ‘Readers are Leaders’ where she invites community leaders to come read a book of their choice to a class. The reader also tells the students how reading has impacted their lives. SASF is supportive of any and all projects that promote literacy and excellence in our education and would like to congratulate Mrs. Naul for creating such a powerful program at her school!
This video showcases several SAISD recipients of the "Grants for Teachers" program. Technology used inside the classroom is featured, but grants were awarded for a myriad of learning styles and for a variety of settings.
3371 Knickerbocker Rd #204, San Angelo, Texas 76904, United States
M-F 9:00am - 4:00pm
Purchase your tickets by clicking on the button below.